Pumping and Breastfeeding
In order to promote optimal infant health and development, we need to emphasize the importance of both breastfeeding and pumping, as well as the health benefits of these practices for both newborns and mothers. But for many moms, the decision to incorporate pumping into their routine adds an additional layer of complexity. Whether you’re returning to work or simply seeking more flexibility, combining breastfeeding and pumping can be very beneficial when done correctly. In this article, we’ll share 5 essential tips for pumping and breastfeeding success.
5 Tips For Combining Pumping and Breastfeeding in Your Routine

1. Establish a Consistent Routine
Consistency is key to ensuring a steady milk supply. By creating a regular breastfeeding and pumping schedule and being consistent, you can regulate your milk production and foster a predictable routine for both you and your baby.
2. Breastfeed first, before pumping
It is highly recommended that you breastfeed your child first, before you begin pumping. By breastfeeding first, you can ensure that your little one has gotten enough milk and you will have more time to produce more milk before the next breastfeeding session.
3. Practice Efficient Pumping Techniques
By trying different techniques, you can maximize your pumping sessions. So ensure that your breast shields have a proper fit and experiment with different suction levels. Hands-on pumping and expression techniques can also help to increase your milk production.
4. Understand The Milk Storage Guidelines
Be sure to preserve every drop of milk by using a milk storage container or milk collector. Remember to familiarize yourself with proper milk storage guidelines to maintain the quality of your milk. Also, it is important to label and date your containers, and be mindful of storage durations in the refrigerator and freezer.
5. Remember self-care
One of the keys to a healthy milk supply is proper nutrition and hydration. So drink plenty of water and eat a well-balanced diet that incorporates lactation-friendly foods. It can be hard to balance breastfeeding and pumping with other responsibilities. So prioritize self-care by getting enough rest, delegating tasks, and seeking assistance when needed.
Final Thoughts
The breastfeeding journey is unique for every mother and baby. So you will need to be flexible enough to adapt your routine, and stay patient during challenging moments. But Each breastfeeding and pumping session is a step toward nurturing a stronger and healthier bond with your little one. I hope you found this post helpful. Please don’t forget to share. You may also be intersted in a previous post on “Weaning From The Pump” with 5 essential tips.