Breastfeeding Perspectives

8 Inspirational Quotes on Breast Cancer Awareness

quotes on breast cancer awareness
In the fight against breast cancer, awareness plays a crucial role. Breast Cancer Awareness Month, is celebrated annually, every October, as a reminder of the importance of early detection, research, and support for those whose lives have been impacted.

Acknowledging Breast Cancer Awareness Month

To inspire, empower, and help raise awareness of the significance of breast cancer, we’ve gathered 8 inspirational breast cancer awareness quotes that reflect the strength, resilience, and hope of survivors.

Every year, the month of October transforms into a sea of pink as individuals, organizations, and communities worldwide come together to observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This annual event is more than just a visual spectacle; it is a global effort to raise awareness, promote early detection, and support those who have been affected by breast cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness Month also serves as a platform to honor the strength and resilience of breast cancer survivors. These individuals, who have faced a daunting diagnosis and endured challenging treatments, are a testament to the power of human spirit and determination. Their stories provide hope and encouragement for those who are currently battling the disease. 

8 Inspirational Quotes on Breast Cancer Awareness

quotes on breast cancer awareness

1.) "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow.'"

- Mary Anne Radmacher

Mary Anne Radmacher is a writer, artist, poet, and breast cancer survivor. Her life has been a source of inspiration to many. This famous quote by Mary Anne Radmacher shows how real courage comes from within. Breast cancer is also an internal battle and only the most courageous people are able to make it through. Sometimes a quiet voice can be a sign of true courage.

2.) "Strength is born in the deep silence of long-suffering hearts; not amidst joy."

– Felicia Hemans

This quote by Felicia Hemans, the English poet, reflects how real strength comes from the trials and tribulations that we go through in life. The strongest and most remarkable women in history have faced the toughest challenges throughout their lives. It is their ability to find inner strength that allows them to achieve spiritual growth.

3.) "You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face."

- Eleanor Roosevelt

This quote is so inspirational because it emphasizes how there comes a time in each of our lives when we have to look fear in the face. If we keep running from our fears and allowing ourselves to be broken by pain then we will never be able to grow with strength, courage, and confidence.

4.) "Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."

- Helen Keller

Helen Keller was an American author and activist who experienced blindness and hearing impairments from an early age. But she didn’t allow her disability to bring down her spirit. Her quote emphasizes the power of optimism, even through the most turbulent storms of life. She believed that nothing can be done without hope and confidence. Even though she is no longer with us, her words, life and legacy lives on as a source of inspiration for many.

5.) "Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn."

– Harriet Beecher Stowe

Harriet Beecher Stowe was an abolitionist and American author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin.” Her quote is so inspirational because it really emphasizes how positive change tends to happen when we are at the verge of quitting or losing hope. The same way seasons change, our lives can also change for the better.

6.) "There can be life after breast cancer. The prerequisite is early detection."

- Ann Jillian

This quote by Anne Jillian, another breast cancer survivor, reflects the importance of healthcare visits to detect breast cancer at an early phase, before it becomes serious. That way it can be treated to avoid any further complications.

7.) "You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

- Maya Angelou

This beautiful quote by Maya Angelou, the late poet and activist, teaches us to not be burdened by things in life that are beyond our control. Life can be unpredictable and we do not have full control over the things that happen to us. But by focusing on the things we have control over, we can shape our futures and change our lives for the better.

8.) "Breast cancer changes you, and the change can be beautiful."

– Jane Cook

Jane Cook is a well-known breast cancer survivor and this quote is a reflection of her optimism and strength that we can all learn from. Although she battled with breast cancer, she still came out victorious. Even though it changed her life, she still finds strength by looking at the positive side of change.


Final Thoughts

One of the most visible ways to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month is by wearing pink. The pink ribbon has become a universal symbol of breast cancer awareness, and its presence throughout October serves as a constant reminder of the importance of this cause. But Breast Cancer Awareness Month is not just about wearing pink; it’s about taking action. I hope that through these quotes on breast cancer awareness we can inspire more people. Please remember to leave a comment or share this post with anyone you know who could be inspired by it. You may also be interested in a previous post on Breastfeeding Quotes That Inspire.

By raising awareness, promoting early detection, supporting survivors, and fundraising for research and support programs, we can make a meaningful difference in the fight against breast cancer. This October, let us stand together, take action, and work towards a world where breast cancer is not a life-threatening disease but a treatable one.


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Picture of Kathy Parkes

Kathy Parkes

Breastfeeding Perspectives | MSN-Ed, BSPsy, RN, IBCLC, RLC, FILCA, CHC, CAHPE

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About Kathy

Kathy Parkes is a registered nurse, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association.

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