Breastfeeding Perspectives

Ashwagandha and Breastfeeding: Is It Safe?

ashwagandha and breastfeeding
In this recent post, we talk about the properties of ashwagandha, an ancient adaptogenic herb used to manage sleep and stress. Is it safe for breastfeeding mothers? Let's find out.

Can You Take Ashwagandha While Breastfeeding?

Trying to find one’s balance after childbirth can feel like a tightrope act. New parents, particularly mothers, must balance finding time to recover, learning about their new baby, sleeping, and more. For many mothers in San Antonio and beyond, the quest for natural solutions for postpartum support has led to an interest in ashwagandha, an ancient herb known for its potential stress-relieving properties. But the question remains: Is it safe or beneficial to take the herb while breastfeeding? Most mothers want to know more about this, so let’s dive right in and discuss both efficacy and safety.  

Understanding Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha, an evergreen shrub that grows in India, Africa, and the Middle East, has long been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, mainly to boost fertility. However, more and more moms are discovering that it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects and is adaptogenic, meaning it has stress-relieving and wellbeing-balancing properties.

According to a study published by the National Library of Medicine, ashwagandha has a ‘small but significant positive effect on overall sleep quality.’ It was also shown to reduce anxiety levels and even help people feel more alert once they wake up. In other words, the herb appeared to improve energy levels and reduce fatigue, which might sound appealing to new moms navigating sleepless nights and busy days. However, ashwagandha might not be for everyone, and there are some safety concerns mothers should be aware of before using the herb. 

Safety Considerations for Breastfeeding Mothers

Even though ashwagandha has been well-researched and is considered to be safe for most adults in recommended doses, very little research has been done on its effect on breastfeeding mothers. While it might be beneficial, the risks are still unknown, so medical professionals recommend that all expectant and breastfeeding mothers steer clear of ashwagandha. According to the American Pregnancy Association, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider before adding any supplement to your routine, particularly one who is knowledgeable about herbal supplements.   

Potential Side Effects

While mostly safe, some users have reported facing side effects. As noted by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine, potential side effects of ashwagandha can include digestive upset, drowsiness, and headaches. It is also worth mentioning that the individual response may vary, so what works well for one person might not suit another. Ultimately, it is best to speak with your healthcare provider to discuss your circumstances and any potential health risks, as well as alternative recommendations that are safer for breastfeeding mothers.

Ashwagandha and Breastfeeding

Final Thoughts on Ashwagandha and the Postpartum Journey

Although ashwagandha has been used for decades to manage sleep and stress, extra precautions must be taken by new and expecting mothers because there is not enough research and evidence to prove the safety and effectiveness of the herb on breastfeeding moms. We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider who can recommend other alternatives that are safer for both you and your baby. Hopefully, more research will be done on this supplement and others to give expectant and postpartum mothers more resources for managing their health. Feel free to share this blog post with the expectant or postpartum moms in your life, or leave a comment and let us know your thoughts! 

You may also be interested in a previous article on Breastfeeding and Retinol.


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Picture of Kathy Parkes

Kathy Parkes

Breastfeeding Perspectives | MSN-Ed, BSPsy, RN, IBCLC, RLC, FILCA, CHC, CAHPE

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About Kathy

Kathy Parkes is a registered nurse, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association.

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