Breastfeeding Perspectives

Birth Control and Breastfeeding

birth control and breastfeeding
Let us talk about safe contraceptive methods that you can consider while breastfeeding. Remember to consult with healthcare providers to choose the most appropriate contraceptive method. Individual health conditions, breastfeeding patterns, and family planning goals should all be considered in making an informed decision.

Safe Contraceptive Methods for Breastfeeding Mothers

As rewarding as it is to have a baby, expecting another child while caring for your newborn can be overwhelming. As a mom, you delight in giving the utmost attention and care to your sweet baby, and look forward to the bonding time after you have given birth. By researching different available contraceptives while you are breastfeeding, you are ensuring that there are no unwanted side effects for you and your baby. In this article, we will talk about safe contraceptive methods that are available for breastfeeding mothers.

Hormonal Birth Control

After your body has healed from labor and you have been cleared by your physician, you can begin taking contraceptives that best fit you, your body, and the needs of your baby. Some mothers may prefer hormonal birth control methods. These forms of birth control often contain the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Since every mom is different, some can use hormonal contraceptives without any effects. However, please be advised that the hormone estrogen can cause milk to dry up when taking hormonal birth control. If you have low milk supply and are nursing an older baby then it is something to be careful of. If either of these cases applies to you, consider speaking to your physician for other contraceptive remedies(Galan 2017).

Non-hormonal Birth Control

Feeling like hormonal preventive care is not for you? No worries, you may prefer non-hormonal contraceptives such as medicinal or barrier methods. Barrier contraceptives such as condoms, diaphragms, or cervical cups are non-hormonal ways to avoid surprise pregnancies while caring for a brand-new baby. Unlike hormonal birth control, this method will not reduce your milk flow so your angels’ source of nutrition is unaffected(Galan 2017).

Natural Birth Control

Some moms may be wondering if there is a natural way to reduce fertility during this time to be sure they are not negatively affecting themselves or their newborn. Not to worry mom, the Lactational Amenorrhea Method is a proven natural way to prevent pregnancy. It’s up to 98% effective, and can suppress womens’ chances of conceiving. This form of birth control is contingent upon a few things. You must be exclusively breastfeeding every four hours during the day, and every 6 hours at night, your newborn should be less than 6 months old, and your cycle has not returned. If all of these conditions are met then LAM should be effective. To review more information about this method, visit MedicalNewsToday(Galan 2017 & HealthyChildren 2023). 

birth control and breastfeeding

Final Thoughts

Determining the best preventive plan for contraceptives can be challenging while balancing a newborn. You’re relearning your body and how it functions as a nursing mother so remember to give yourself grace and talk to your physician to determine which birth control method is most compatible for you and your little one. We hope you found this article helpful, and share it with others. Please leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts.


Galan, Nicole. “Which Birth Control Options Are Best While Breastfeeding?” MedicalNewsToday, 15 Sept. 2017, 

“Birth Control While Breastfeeding.” HealthyChildren.Org, 15 Sept. 2023,

"Milk.. It does a baby good!

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Picture of Kathy Parkes

Kathy Parkes

Breastfeeding Perspectives | MSN-Ed, BSPsy, RN, IBCLC, RLC, FILCA, CHC, CAHPE

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About Kathy

Kathy Parkes is a registered nurse, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association.

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