Breastfeeding Perspectives

Educational Topics

Breastfeeding Perspectives can provide your support group, professional group, or company employees with any of the following topics.

Pumping in the Workplace

Duration: 45-60 mins

The majority of new mothers find themselves returning to employment outside of their home, more than ever before. This session will address how you can best support these mothers in your practice, as well as work with employers to provide support for their employees.

What's In That Milk?

Duration: 60-90 mins

While addressing the latest research, this session will explore many of the health benefits of this miraculous milk which mothers are able to produce for their infants. We will also discuss the negative effects of artificial baby milk.

Breastfeeding Basics

Duration: 60-90 mins

Do you feel your midwifery or doula training left out the lactation information your clients expect you to provide? This session will address the physiology, microbiology and anatomy of lactation for both the mother and the infant, as well as the basics of problem-solving for your clients. Enough time will be provided to answer questions from attendees.

Choices in Lactation Suppression After Loss

Duration: 60-90 mins

This presentation will address the various methods available to mothers who have experienced perinatal or neonatal loss of the infant.Binding is no longer recommended, and Parlodel was removed for use as an anti-galactogogue. What does that leave for these mothers to supress the milk supply? This session will give you options to discuss with your clients.

Are You Ready For Private Practice?

Duration: 60-120 mins

Learn about the business, ethical, and personal issues related to beginning a successful private practice as an IBCLC. Subjects from taxes to licensing to location will be covered, with an extra portion of caring for yourself in a very time and energy consuming industry.

Breast Surgery /Modification &Lactation

Duration: 60-90 mins

This session addresses various breast surgeries, injuries, voluntary modifications, and situations that can affect milk supply and milk transfer for the infant.

Ethics and the Breastfeeding Counselor

Duration: 60-75 mins

Addressing all aspects of breastfeeding counselors, this session deals with ethics from description to documents of ethics in various professions, and includes audience participation in ethical decision making. Physicians, nurses, IBCLCs, CLCs, La Leche League Leaders, Peer Counselors, midwives, doulas, and lay breastfeeding counselors are urged to become familiar with the ethical side of lactation work.

manage stress

How a Baby Learns to Love

Duration: 60-90 mins

A look at the physical, emotional, and hormonal interactions that combine to promote bonding by the baby and attachment by the mother after birth and in the first days after birth. The importance of skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding will be discussed, highlighting the latest research and evidence-based practices.

Zyrtec and breastfeeding

Jaundice and Breastfeeding

Duration: 60-90 mins

Jaundice is a common experience for premature and full term newborn infants. Through this session, learn about the definition of jaundice, its pathophysiology, frequency, risks and complications, and treatments which rarely include weaning from the breast. Included will be assessment of the infant at the breast, feeding frequency, and breastfeeding while undergoing treatments for jaundice.

jaundice causes

Mindful Musings