Breastfeeding Perspectives

Side Sleeping for Newborns: Is it Safe?

side sleeping for newborns
It is important for your child to maintain a sleeping position that is both comfortable and safe. In this post, we will talk about the potential risks that are associated with side sleeping for infants.

Side Sleeping or Back Sleeping?

Welcoming a newborn into the world comes with a plethora of decisions for parents, and one crucial concern is allowing their child to maintain a sleeping position that is both comfortable and safe. While placing a baby on their back is widely recommended by health experts, some parents wonder about side sleeping. Sometimes it is because the child may be too fussy and prefer to sleep on the side. In this article, we will talk about some of the risks associated with side sleeping for newborns to shed light on some of the implications.

side sleeping for newborns

Is Side Sleeping Safe for Newborns?

Most child health professionals and organizations do not recommend side sleeping for newborn infants. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) strongly advocates for placing infants on their backs to sleep as the safest sleep position. The AAP also recommends back sleeping because it helps keep the airways open and minimizes the risk of suffocation.

3 Potential Dangers of Side Sleeping for Newborns

While side sleeping may seem like a comfortable position for newborns, there are potential dangers associated with this sleeping posture. It’s important for parents to be aware of these risks to make informed decisions regarding their baby’s sleep position.

1.) SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)

One of the primary concerns associated with side sleeping is an increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). This is a tragic and unexplained phenomenon that sometimes occurs during sleep. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends placing infants on their backs to sleep as the safest

2.) Roll-Over Risks

Newborns have limited control over their movements, and placing them on their sides increases the likelihood of accidental roll-overs onto their stomachs. This position can compromise their ability to breathe freely, posing a risk of suffocation.

3.) Neck Strain

Side sleeping may also lead to neck strain for newborns, as their neck muscles are not yet fully developed. This can result in discomfort and potential breathing difficulties, especially if the baby’s head tilts forward.

When is Side Sleeping Considered Safe?

Health experts generally recommend against side sleeping for newborns due to the potential risks. However, as the baby gets older(1+ yrs old) then side sleeping can be allowed. If your newborn baby gets fussy and prefers to sleep on the side then we recommend speaking with a healthcare provider today.

Final Thoughts

It is crucial for parents to prioritize back sleeping for their infants during sleep, as recommended by health organizations, to ensure the safest sleep environment and reduce the potential risks. Also, as with any other questions regarding infant safety, parents should consult with their healthcare provider for personalized advice based on their baby’s unique needs and circumstances. We hope you found this article informative. Please don’t forget to share. You may also be a previous article on Breastfeeding Difficulty: 5 Common Issues That Mothers Face.


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Picture of Kathy Parkes

Kathy Parkes

Breastfeeding Perspectives | MSN-Ed, BSPsy, RN, IBCLC, RLC, FILCA, CHC, CAHPE

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About Kathy

Kathy Parkes is a registered nurse, an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and a Fellow of the International Lactation Consultant Association.

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